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Ancestry Project
Connelly Book
Leedy Chronicles
Leedys in History
Leedy Roots
Leedy Reunion
Reunion Invitation

Born April 21, 1832, in Knox County, OH to Abraham Leedy and
Elizabeth Zook. Abraham moved his family from Morrison's Cove,
PA in September 1829 and settled near Ankenytown, OH, near where
his older brother, "Big John" Leedy, had settled in 1811. As a
young man, Aaron worked as a carpenter and helped build the
Brethren Church in Ankenytown. He became a skilled mechanic who
operated sawmills, threshing machines, and other farm equipment.
He married Elizabeth Ann Garber, his first cousin, once removed,
on March 13, 1856. They first lived on her father's farm, then
occupied several farms in the area until purchasing part of the
original "Big John" Leedy land from Samuel Garber in 1863.
He built a large brick home about 1870 directly over a spring,
which served as a cool pantry. He provided running water from a
large holding tank in the attic and installed a copper bathtub
in the master bedroom.
Aaron was a general farmer growing corn, oats, and wheat. He
raised cattle, hogs, sheep, chicken, and turkeys; and sold meat,
butter, eggs, hides, wool, and maple syrup. In his daily journal
he detailed temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation
and agricultural production (e.g., pounds of butter, eggs,
gallons of maple syrup). He was a charter member of the
Jefferson Grange, serving as first Master. He was president of
the Patrons Mutual Relief Association for many years. He was a
Universalist and helped erect that church's Bellville, OH
building. A Prohibitionist, he proudly voted a "clean
prohibition ticket" in 1887.
Music was important in his life. He led a Grange band consisting
of neighbors and family members. He taught singing and loved
singing at home with friends, at Grange meetings, and church
events. Aaron recorded in his journal in 1887, 22 band
practices, 12 band appearances, and "went to singing" on 26
occasions. He had charge of music at the first Leedy Reunion on
September 23, 1896, and served as Reunion President 1898-1900.
Aaron and Elizabeth celebrated their golden wedding anniversary
on March 13, 1906, at their home.
Aaron died on October 28, 1907, and is buried at Owl Creek
Cemetery, Knox County, OH. "He will be remembered best for his
unfailing humor, the 'glad hand' and hearty greeting" (The Leedy
Chronicle October 1907). Children are listed under Elizabeth Ann
Garber. |
Elizabeth, better known as "Lib," was born on January 10, 1838,
in Richland County, OH. She was the daughter of Samuel Garber
and Catharine "Aunt Katy" Leedy. Catharine was the oldest
daughter of "Big John" Leedy, the original Leedy OH pioneer who
brought his family from Morrison's Cove, PA in 1811 to Richland
County, OH. Lib was described as "one of the finest cooks that
ever lifted a griddle or turned a cake and so modest that she
never thought so (The Leedy Chronicle, October 1907). She died
December 25, 1921, and is buried in Owl Creek Cemetery, Knox
County, OH.
The children of Elizabeth and Aaron A. Leedy were:
Byron Garber, Elmina, Clement Vincent, Albert Odell, Bertha
Estelle, Alfred Tennyson, Herbert Emerson, and Maude Demorest.
The Leedy Chronicle, published by Aaron Leedy Garber, Ashland,
OH, 1897-1927.
The Leedy Family History, edited and published by Gordon M.
Connelly, 1985, second edition, 1990.
The Journal of Aaron A. Leedy, from handwritten records in the
journal of 1887, transcribed and published by Donald J. Leedy.
Dated: 08/09/97 |